大崎 純 (Makoto Ohsaki)


  1. M. Yamakawa and M. Ohsaki, Stochastic Structural Optimization, CRC Press. 2023.
  2. N. Challamel, J. Kaplunov and I. Izuru Takewaki (Eds.), Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 3: Non-deterministic Mechanics, Chapter 11: Order statistics approach to structural optimization considering robustness and confidence of responses, pp. 225--241, Wiley, 2021.
  3. S. Yoshimura, M. Hori and M. Ohsaki (Eds.), High-Performance Computing for Structural Mechanics and Earthquake/Tsunami Engineering, Springer Tracts of Mechanical Engineering, Sprinfer, 2015.
  4. J. Y. Zhang and M. Ohsaki, Tensegrity Structures: Form, Stability, and Symmetry, Mathematics for Industry 6, Springer, 2015.
  5. M. Ohsaki, Optimization of Finite Dimensional Structures, CRC Press, 2010.
  6. I. Elishakoff and M. Ohsaki, Optimization and Anti-Optimization of Structures under Uncertainty, Imperial College Press, 2010.
  7. J. S. Arora (Ed.), Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems, Chapter 19, Semidefinite programming for engineering applications, World Scientific, pp. 541--567, 2007.
  8. M. Ohsaki and K. Ikeda, Stability and Optimization of Structures - Generalized Sensitivity Analysis -, Mechanical Engineering Series, Springer, 2007. Book review: I. Elishakoff, Struct. Multidisc. Optim., Vol. 38, pp. 533--534, 2009.
  9. S. Burns (Ed.), Recent Advances in Optimal Structural Design, Chapter 5. Topology and geometry optimization of trusses and frames, ASCE, pp. 97-123, 2002.